domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

The girl of the curve

This story is a bit dark but you must understand in order to know if it's true, why is this unit we will see

place: "Navalmoral de la Mata"
One night in a car were a girl and her family for a road from Vera. When they reached a dangerous hairpin curve and crashed, and the girl and her family (father, mother and sister) disappeared. His family did not come to know anything about them.

Today every so often (probably every year on the same day and at the same time) the girl hitchhiking with truckers who pass through there and the truck itself is covered.

The truck driver asks him why he's doing a young girl hitchhiking. She tells him to be careful in the curve, that is to kill. Then the girl disappears, and the driver is killed in the same corner where she disappeared.

Today, the girl still keeps appearing in the evening to the truckers who pass by. It is still unclear exactly how and when it appears.

I hope that you understand, I gave me a little scared but I realized that grieving is a soul and will never pass for that curve hahhah

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